Enhancing the role of conservation agriculture in disaster risk reduction in Southern Africa (OSRO/RAF/602/USA) – Project Highlights
Published on 02 Aug 2017
Activities Implented
- 404 DRR decision-makers from 11 countries were exposed to the benefits of CA through regional and country-level meetings and field days.
- Produced awareness-raising materials on CA, including two videos, a technical brief.
- Information on CA-DRR was disseminated through key stakeholders, including African Conservation Tillage Network, Conservation Agriculture Regional Working Group (CARWG), NCATFs, the Regional Interagency Standing Committee and the Southern African Food Security and Nutrition Working Group.
- With partners, set up demonstration plots on CA-DRR techniques in Madagascar and Zimbabwe to increase awareness of CA, providing seed and tools to support the process.
- Supported the regional CARWG annual meeting in November 2016, which provided an opportunity for learning between regional and national level CA and DRR actors.
- Organized a regional study visit for 33 CA-DRR actors to smallholder areas of Zambia, which was extensively covered by national media in the region.
- Supported three DRR capacity assessments undertaken in collaboration with the Governments of Namibia and Zimbabwe.
- Supported two regional DRR meetings with SADC and national governments to prepare for the El Niño drought.
- Supported the training of 40 key stakeholders (UN agencies, FEWS NET, RIASCO, NGOs, etc.) on DRR awareness and capacity assessment.
- Supported seed assessment case studies in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe to ascertain the impact of the El Niño-induced drought on seed availability and circulated a lessons learned report to key stakeholders.
See the Project Highlights at the below link
OSRO RAF 602 USA Project Highlights
Categories: DRR and CCA