Global warming is increasing the chances of worldwide harvest failure on the scale of the tragic 19th-century drought and famine that claimed 50 million lives. Awaiting aid in drought-ravaged Somalia in 2011. Image: […]
Global warming is increasing the chances of worldwide harvest failure on the scale of the tragic 19th-century drought and famine that claimed 50 million lives. Awaiting aid in drought-ravaged Somalia in 2011. Image: […]
Global Situation Assessment of El Niño-related Health Risks WMO has confirmed reports that a mature and strong El Niño is present in the tropical Pacific Ocean. International climate models suggest that the 2015/2016 […]
Comprehensive list of recent and historical El Niño / La Niña impacts. Read Reports to the Nation on our Changing Planet: El Niño and Climate Prediction (PDF), and find more impacts information in […]
Cette nouvelle série de tempêtes de sable qui ont frappé plusieurs parties du pays succède aux tempêtes survenues au début du mois et ayant causé au moins 140 morts. LE MONDE | 14.05.2018 Au moins […]
By Kai Kupferschmidt In perhaps the most famous example of shoe-leather epidemiology, U.K. physician John Snow mapped cholera cases in London in 1854 to pinpoint a water pump on Broad Street as the […]
On 3 February 2015, the Director of Medical Services in Kenya issued a cholera outbreak alert following an increase in cases of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) in several counties in the country. […]
Lisa Schlein October 22, 2015 10:32 AM GENEVA— The World Health Organization is stepping up efforts to control multiple cholera outbreaks in Africa and the Middle East to prevent the disease from […]