On 3 February 2015, the Director of Medical Services in Kenya issued a cholera outbreak alert following an increase in cases of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) in several counties in the country. (IFRC, 23 May 2015)
A cholera outbreak has affected 21 out of 47 counties since December 2014. With close to 7000 cases and over 100 deaths the epidemic needs to be contained, especially in light of the expected El Niño floods which can create even more favourable conditions for the bacteria to spread. (ECHO, 20 Oct 2015)
A cholera epidemic that has been spreading in Kenya for over a year hit the Dadaab Refugee Camp complex, on 23 November 2015. (MSF, 17 Dec 2015) Health workers at the world’s largest refugee complex in Kenya gained the upper hand in battling the camp outbreak that killed 10 people and sickened around 1,000 others since it broke out amid rains linked to El Niño.(UNHCR, 31 Dec 2015)
The cholera outbreak was brought under control in 16 counties due to an intensified response by the Government and partners. By the end of the year, only seven counties were reporting active outbreaks. (UNICEF, 31 Dec 2015)
Since July 2015, some 2,566 patients have been admitted to Wajir Hospital, and 39 people have died. Today, many of the water sources are drying up and the lack of sufficient human waste disposal in the area means there is a high potential for further spread of the disease. (MSF, 22 Feb 2016)
Categories: Health