Michael H. Glantz, with Robert J. Ross and Gavin G. Daugherty
ISBN 978-1-896559-47-6 (pbk)
122 pages, 8.5 x 11, full color throughout.
40+ illustrations and maps. 200+ references with QR codes.
China’s $4 trillion-dollar initiative launched in 2013 to finance infrastructure projects in more than 70 countries through its Belt and Road Initiative, first known as One Belt One Road. OBOR/BRI is the “brainchild” of China’s President Xi Jinping. It has been called the boldest international development program for the 21st century. The Initiative began as a modern-day version of the ancient Silk Road from China to Europe. Today, however, Xi’s silk roads encircle the globe from Southeast Asia to the Indian Ocean to Africa, Europe and to Latin America. It has expanded to include Space and the Polar regions.
The authors provide readers with glimpses of China’s globalization policy on steroids. OBOR/ BRI can be viewed in a positive light as putting developing countries on fast tracks to development and to China’s global super-power status by 2049. To some, however, OBOR/BRI has been portrayed as an initiative to consolidate China’s position as a regional hegemon with client states, if not a global superpower.
Readers will gain a greater awareness of and appreciation for 21st century international politics as well as for the politics of economic development loans and humanitarian assistance as exposed and discussed by the popular media around the globe.
Visit Amazon or Sumeru Press to order the full color book!